Hi friends! Thanks once again for visiting my blog section here on my site! I'm super excited to announce my new single, "The Next Level" that'll be out on iTunes on April 11, 2017! It's a song thats been kind of stored away on my album and I felt that I should make it into a single and really push it out there. I hope it blesses you and if you can get ONE thing out of that song it would bless me as well! Take it to THE NEXT LEVEL! Blessings! 

Hola amigos!! Muchisimas gracias por visitar mi pagina de blog y anuncios! Estoy super emocionado de poder contarles que pronto estara listo mi nuevo sencillo por iTunes! Lo podran descargar Abril 11, 2017! Es una cancion que decidi sacar como sencillo ya que esta en mi album! Ojala les bendiga y si pueden captar algo de la cancion me bendecira a mi tambien! "AL PROXIMO NIVEL"! Bendiciones! 

click on the image to download on itunes

Haz click en la imagen para bajar en iTunes